It is Friday, the big day, the day all the books were supposed to come in, did you get yours? If not that is just fine, start on the day you get it. If you feel like reading back and catching up that is great if not, start when you get your books. I asked Crossroads to order a bunch more, when I went in today they were all gone again. So that is a good sign. When everyone has their books, and we all feel caught up, we will start a message board, or meetings, and the accountability partners. I will be gone until next Wed. I will be in sunny AZ listening to Anne Geddes!! I am so excited. I will be praying that we all stay on track, I will catch up with you all soon.
PS a funny from today. My daughter and I had a long conversation today. She told me "mom I am gonna be three things when I grow up, worker at a bank, a doctor that doesn't give shots, and a go fish guy." I let it sink in a bit, and I asked her why a bank worker, she said "so I can have money mom!" oh, I said, and the doctor you don't think you will have to give shots, she said "nope and I am not going to have babies either," and I said I thought you wanted to be a mommy just like me, she said "well I do, but God is just going to hand me those babies, so I don't have to go to the doctor's office, won't that be cool mom?" I said that would be, but you know you don't have to get shots to have a baby... you can have them with out shots, she thought a little bit, " then I will do that, I will either have them with no shots, or have have God hand them to me, I don't know yet, I haven't decided!"
In the minds of our little ones!!! If only having a baby was that easy!
I've enjoyed reading the daily readings. Sometimes the Psalms' wording is so different that I have to read it in my NIV Bible, but that's okay ... it's making me think, and I'm spending time in God's word!