Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Get the Book
Ok Ok, I have to fill you all in, that is ok if you don't even have the book yet, you are just fine. Get it when it works for you and start when it works for you. You are still in this if you want to be. Remember it is much easier to call it quits when you are behind. I want you to all know that what is working for me might not work for you, it is easier for me to find a time of 30 minutes 2 times a week and either read ahead or catch up. It is easier than doing it every morning. I would like it to be every morning or every night, but my kids wake up at such different times, I am not very consistent. So I am encouraging you to do two things. Call someone that you know who is reading and ask them how they are doing, and also, find what reading style works for you. You are all doing great, we will be getting together in February, so you all have plenty of time to still get the book! I am proud of you all. Hugs to you all, Amy
Thursday, January 15, 2009
still getting the books
I am so happy with the huge amount of people still interested in following along. I just wanted to encourage everyone to get your book when you get it, if you feel like reading two a day until you catch up that is fine, otherwise just pick up on the day when you get it. I have read ahead, I was so interested in how all of the things with Jacob's life was going to pan out, I couldn't put it done, I will be honest, it wasn't easy reading. I had to keep a note book and keep track of who was who, who had what baby, who got married again, my goodness. I think because we live in the times of one spouse it is surprising that they had more than one wife or they slept with maids, and so on and so forth. All this to say I would love to get together and kinda talk about things. I have a date in mind in February but will post that when I am for sure, we have book readers in Nebraska and Minnesota, so I am trying to check some things out first. So keep going call me if you have questions, I am just like you, this is my first time, but my pastor has assured me that he will answer any questions, so let's keep going, this is going to be awesome. Encourage those around you to do the same, we will grow from this!!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Getting it together

It is Friday, the big day, the day all the books were supposed to come in, did you get yours? If not that is just fine, start on the day you get it. If you feel like reading back and catching up that is great if not, start when you get your books. I asked Crossroads to order a bunch more, when I went in today they were all gone again. So that is a good sign. When everyone has their books, and we all feel caught up, we will start a message board, or meetings, and the accountability partners. I will be gone until next Wed. I will be in sunny AZ listening to Anne Geddes!! I am so excited. I will be praying that we all stay on track, I will catch up with you all soon.
PS a funny from today. My daughter and I had a long conversation today. She told me "mom I am gonna be three things when I grow up, worker at a bank, a doctor that doesn't give shots, and a go fish guy." I let it sink in a bit, and I asked her why a bank worker, she said "so I can have money mom!" oh, I said, and the doctor you don't think you will have to give shots, she said "nope and I am not going to have babies either," and I said I thought you wanted to be a mommy just like me, she said "well I do, but God is just going to hand me those babies, so I don't have to go to the doctor's office, won't that be cool mom?" I said that would be, but you know you don't have to get shots to have a baby... you can have them with out shots, she thought a little bit, " then I will do that, I will either have them with no shots, or have have God hand them to me, I don't know yet, I haven't decided!"
In the minds of our little ones!!! If only having a baby was that easy!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
NO Books
Hey there all, Just a quick note, there have been so many of you looking for the book that they are all out at crossroads, that is OK!! Don't let that keep you from starting. Get the book when you get it and start when it works for you. Crossroads says Friday they will be in. Again, it is ok to start later.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Day 5
How are you all doing. I don't know about you but I am learning so much. I think it is so funny because I grew up knowing the story of Adam and Eve, I grew up knowing the story of Noah, but I had no clue how they all fit together. I am so glad to be doing this. Not only for my growth in theology but now when I talk to my kids about these stories I feel like I now have a better background. So how did your Sunday go. I really thought I would start the resting... man that is hard to do. It is like we have to give ourselves permission or something. Well if you are like me and you feel like there is too much to do to sit and relax, let's all just pray and believe that we will be blessed for honoring the Sabbath. But again I am real just like all of you, the second I relax I know that there is laundry piling up, dishes that need to be cleaned... but more importantly our family needs us to be recharged, our husbands would like that friend to sit by them and relax and watch football with them, and the good news is, the laundry and dishes will wait, but our time with our kids and husbands can't. So I will go, and try to practice what I preach!! I would love to hear all that you are learning, and even if you have not gotten your book yet, start when you get it. I know, January 1st snuck up on me too!!! Happy reading, happy growing, and lets all strive for a relaxing Sabbath!
PS, I will be leaving to go study with some amazing photographers and will be gone for about a week. I will be seeing Anne!! I am so excited. So may not post for a while, but will be reading!
PS, I will be leaving to go study with some amazing photographers and will be gone for about a week. I will be seeing Anne!! I am so excited. So may not post for a while, but will be reading!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Day One
Well how did we do team. As you can see I had to start another blog because I couldn't comment on the other one or add postings. So lets try this again.
I wished I could have written this 4 days ago. That is when the journey began for me of trying to put up a new post. Better late than never. Here is how we will work this. Lets all post reflections of our reading when we can, and continue to pray for all who are trying to accomplish this goal of staying on track. Let me reasure you all who don't have your bible yet, there are more who don't have it than do have it, so don't let that stop you, when you get it begin on that day. Accountability partners- if you have someone close to you reading, let them be your partner, keep eachother on track, if you don't have someone in mind email me and I will assign one to you.
With that said. Welcome to a new year, a year of dedication, growth and learning.
Just a quick little tid bit, that I got from today's reading, and BTW it took about 6 minutes, very easy!- I really think with life as busy as it is, how important it is to rest on the Sabath. I was friends with a guy in high school who was Morman and they were so strict on no activities on sunday, just rest, I don't think I could go that far, but I always admired the peace and calmness they had one day a week, and as I read today, that just really struck me as something I may start trying to do more.
So welcome welcome, lets begin when you get your book and lets have fun!!!
Again, sorry about the change in blog sites, I monkied around with the other one for ever.
so this one is called the year of the message
post when you can, comment when you can, and try to read a little something every day
I was looking ahead and liked what I saw!
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